A Coupon Code is a special code that customers can enter at the checkout to receive a discount on their purchase.
◉Registration: If you have registered on our website using a valid email address, you will receive an email containing a coupon code for your first purchase.
◉Subscription: You can also receive Coupon Codes by subscribing to our newsletter. Subscribing not only keeps you up-to-date with our latest deals and style updates but also ensures that you are among the first to receive exclusive offers. To subscribe, simply enter your email address at the bottom of our homepage.
*Please ensure to use Coupon Codes before their expiration date.
*Certain Coupon Codes may have specific requirements, such as a minimum purchase amount.
*Coupon Codes cannot be applied to shipping fees or cash on delivery (COD) service fees.
*Customers are limited to redeeming one Promo Code per order.
*Coupon codes and site-wide automatic discounts will be processed with the lowest discount applied